Saturday, March 31, 2012

DIY Onesies Part 2: Easy Applique

For Round 2, I used a small section of printed material I got at a second hand store. The original use for this material was to fuse it to sweatshirts and add a lot of ugly fabric paint essentially losing a pretty paint by numbers vintage look the roses had. Tragic. Luckily fabric paints are so early 90's and vintage reins supreme!

     To make a similar onesie, you'll need some double sided webbing I referred to in my letter banner post. I just ironed the webbing to the backside of the fabric, cut out the image, pealed off the paper side of the webbing and ironed it all onto the onesie. Then I used the buttonhole stitch around the outside. I did not use an embroidery hoop though to keep the applique from potentially coming loose. You will just have to watch how tightly you pull your floss as you go. The result makes it pop nicely, if you ask me.

Last Onesie?  Cute embroidery designed by yours truly!

1 comment:

  1. I love this idea! And it looks super easy, which is always a bonus for me, the sewing impaired.
